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Monday, December 28, 2009

"Get Ready for the Camera"

For those of you who anticipate my blog postings, I want to personally thank you!

With this being the year my book, THIS IS WHY I WRITE is released, my success will not be possible without the love, encouragement, and inspiration from you. So, please don't stop! :) It's my guarantee that when I make it to the top, I will do my absolute best to take each and every one of you with me. Again, thank you so much.

To be completely honest, I didn't have a clue to what I wanted to write about. However, as I was writing my thank you's, I got a sense of urgency to help those who aren't prepared for the new year to get ready, and to get ready now.

It's so amazing how at the start of the new year, everyone is so fired up. They claim success over their personal lives; whether it's financial success, spiritual success, or even physical success. But, when one thing goes against what they had initially planned, they immediately look forward to the next year. I credit this reaction to the lack of planning. It doesn't mean that they didn't plan, it simply means that they didn't plan early enough.

As I briefly look back over the year 2009, I was instantly reminded that you can't expect success tomorrow, if tomorrow's success is planned tomorrow.

The year 2010 will be OUR year to "Get Ready for the Camera"! But, in order to be fluent in our actions, assuring that we get rid of all of the controllable hiccups, we must prep ourselves daily.

I don't know about you, but I'm incredibly confident that I have a story to share with, at least, one person that could make a dramatic impact on the world. I believe in the power of one. If I can prepare myself to help another person prepare themselves for their future, I can change the world. But, it starts with me. It starts with a realization that the world around us is positively and/or negatively impacted by the choices we make.

The year 2010 awaits those who enter, ready to make a difference not only in their personal lives, but in the lives of others. So many of us are infatuated with the success of today's celebrities; most who are demonstrating negative characteristics, but still there are many who strive to be like them. But, I have a question. What if YOU "Get Ready for the Camera?" Whose life can you positively impact by being a world changer? If you continue to educate yourself, developing mental strength, maintain a workout plan to sustain physical strength, whose life can you change?

That's why 2010 must be OUR year to "Get Ready for the Camera". If you can honestly say that you believe, 100% in what you know you are capable of becoming, you constitute as a celebrity in my book.

Friends and Family, we're all celebrities. The cameras just haven't recorded our story yet. So, 2010 is OUR year to...



PS: Please post your comments, or email them to Matthew.M.Newman@gmail.com. Also, please send your cell number and email address to be included in my promotional streams beginning January 1. You could be one to win a FREE book once released.

-Author Matthew Newman

http://matthewnewman.org (Coming Soon)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The One "Bad Apple" Promotes Growth

Good day to everyone! I'm excited for a reason that has yet to be discovered this morning. But, the excitement that IS evident is my thanks to those who are following the progress of my book in one way or the other. I never knew the power behind having a dream and seeing it through. Not to say I, myself, haven't had my share of heartaches, but I've decided to look beyond the hurt to help me realize that life just isn't THAT BAD. So, thank you for your support; it's life changing.

Before I begin, I want to let you know that I'm not writing from a religious perspective, so please don't take the post out of context. In addition, I'm not neglecting my belief in any form or fashion. I simply want to demonstrate the significance of reaching the heart of men BEFORE you reach the mind of men. So, let the post begin!

Although I try to stray away from mentioning personal experiences that I encounter on a daily bases, I found it very challenging to do as I sat to write this post.

Two days ago, I updated my Facebook and Twitter status to, "Your FAITH should surpass your DOUBT." But, if you're anything like it me it can be very challenging at times. It always seems as if when you're experiencing a turning point in your life, you're also experiencing turbulence in your life. It always seems as if when life feels good, life hurts. It always seems as if joy comes one morning, but mourning comes the next morning! It puts you into a literal state of confusion. A state of mind where your unbelief surpasses your belief. Or, when your doubt surpasses your faith. Am I the only one?

Let me ask you a question. Have you ever faced a situation where you were unsure of the outcome? Let's be real. Your rent. One month you had "too much month at the end of the money." You couldn't find any additional sources of income to carry you through the month, so that one "bad apple" negatively spoiled your mind to believe that one situation can alter your future. That one "bad apple" caused you to doubt even the faith you had before the incident occured.

I've read many different definitions of the words
"Faith" and "Doubt", but for the purpose of this post I want to introduce mine.

Faith - the confident belief of a certain outcome to be true; usually requiring a sense of proof.

Doubt - a strong conviction of unbelief; usually derived from the lack of evidence or proof.

I read in Psychology Today about a study that was conducted by Dr. David Pincus of The Chaotic Life. He concluded that one person with negative thoughts and/or characteristics, or one "bad apple", could spoil, or hinder the growth and adaptation of a group. He stated that conflict is good, but also stated that when we notice conflict we should run for our lives.

In response to his study, one of his readers questioned his statement. The reader asked if conflict is good, why should we run? Should we not use it to promote growth?

When we as people extract an unproductive situation, or season out of our life, we are usually forced to believe that our future will negatively be impacted by that ONE "bad apple". But, if we can just take a glimpse of what we know WE ARE capable of becoming, that is when we can develop a strong conviction of FAITH, rather than a strong conviction of DOUBT.

When we're presented with a new negative situation, we tend to forget about every other obstacle we have overcome before. If we made out of other "bad" situations, what makes you think that we won't make it out of this one? That's why we must be careful that we aren't conformed to who, or what we've become, but rather conformed to the process that got us there; the process is our struggle. We must not forget this. Our growth is only hindered when we forget the significance of our growth. And as I stated in an earlier blog; the significance in our growth is to give what has been given to us to others.

If we are selfish in our growth, we'll eventually be developed into a "bad apple". We'll become that ONE stream of poison that causes the sick formation of doubt that dismisses the faith that is possessed by so many people.

Be strong. I know what you're facing! At this present time you can't see that what's to come is greater. But, if you stay consistent to the belief that you have in yourself, the belief that you have in the positive, productive outcome of your situation will never dwindle away. Kirk Franklin, national and international Gospel recording artist released a powerful song that said, "I can do the impossible, I can see the invincible. I can climb a mountain, I can reach my goal...because I have FAITH."

Your FAITH will surpass your DOUBT when you don't allow the ONE "bad apple" to negatively spoil your future. You're a champion!


PS: Please post your comments, or email them to Matthew.M.Newman@gmail.com

Also, please send your cell number and/or email address to be included in my promotional stream, starting January 1, 2010.

-Author Matthew Newman

www.matthewnewman.org (Coming Soon)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Chance After Chance

Can you believe it? December 2009 is here! Wow.

Good Evening World! Am I excited to be here today, writing/blogging. Your support, anticipation, and interest is fuel to my passion. Thanks you so very much. I don't feel words give justice to my heartfelt thanks! :)

There is so much to write about. So much to say, but so little time.

Just about 15 mintues ago, when I first sat to write, I had a detailed post to share with the world. However, the post was based on personal situations that I've encountered this week.

As I concluded one paragraph, I read over it, at least, 15 times and realized that I was writing selfishly; writing for my benefit, and not the benefit of others. I stopped myself, and was reminded of the famous quote stated by renowned, Zig Ziglar:

"You can have everything in life you want if you help just enough other people get what they want."

"Just enough" can be ONE. So, that's my goal tonight; to offer a new thought of peace and calmness to your life through my writing. I aim to show you that you've been given so many chances at life, and there are so many people who haven't been granted, at least, a second chance to life.

I present to you, "CHANCE AFTER CHANCE."

On either late Sunday, November 29 or early Monday morning, November 30, my car was broken into while parked inside of my parking garage at my apartment complex here in Dallas, TX.

The thieves shattered my passenger side window and stole my radio, my $400 radio; material things. I was left with one choice. Replace the window. I called around to find the least expensive replacement. And when I did, I ventured out to take advantage of it.

I followed the worker onto the salvage yard, and was led to a Chevrolet Impala. I was immediately awed by the condition of the vehicle; I said to myself, "It wasn't me."

I paced slowly around the beat up Impala and concluded that the driver didn't make it. I noticed magazines in the trunk, a hair dryer in the back seat, and a few other miscellaneous items. Their life was stolen, but their material possessions were left unharmed.

Here is someone who didn't live to complain another day. Here is an individual who won't wake up to dream another dream. Here is a person who won't be granted another chance.

As you can see from the picture, the car was totalled, and you too can conclude that the person driving wasn't given another chance at life. But, you my friend have been granted chance after chance.

Another chance to build a better future. Another chance to bounce back from your struggle. Another chance to dream another dream. Another chance to speak life into the life of someone else. Another chance to defeat defeat.


You too may be robbed of material possessions. You too may be robbed of your mental sanity. You too may be robbed of your physical strength. But, as long as your SOUL is preserved, use it as a chance to stride towards your destined victory.


-Author Matthew Newman

Please feel free to post your comments, or email them to Matthew.M.Newman@gmail.com


http://www.matthewnewman.org (Coming Soon)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Positive Thinking vs. Deep Thinking

Hello to all the world! As I begin every one of my blog post; I begin with appreciating your unending support. From the Facebook messages & comments, Tweets & Re-Tweets on Twitter, Myspace messages, text messages, and NOW...even on the streets; the word is getting out about "This Is Why I Write", and I thank you from the deepest parts of my heart.

As you have read in my first blog post, I, as an author, would like to remain vulnerable and transparent to you, the reader. I want to be able to open my heart to you; to reveal to you the very situations that I encounter; the circumstances that I endure; all to effectively demonstrate my humbleness, and my sincere effort to help mold people from all over the world, into the person they were initially intended to be. Yes, life may have intefered. However, life does not have to erase the purpose that's within you. Instead, allow life to bring the purpose that's within you to fruition.

I want to present to you a topic that I've been juggling whether or not to post. The reason for my indecisiveness was simply my fear to offend. But when I sat down to put pen to paper, or in this case "fingers to keyboard", I asked myself two questions:

1.) Who would I offend?
2.) Who would I help?

I chose the latter, and now I present to you, POSITIVE THINKING vs. DEEP THINKING. Once you're done reading the post, YOU decide which thinking process wins, and which one gets defeated.

Over the course of the past few months, I'd associated myself with a situation that from an external view, "shined like gold". But, from an internal perspective, could have been poison to my aspirations. A situation that preferred DEEP THINKING, rather than POSITIVE THINKING.

Instead of getting into a long, drawn out story, I would rather explain to you the consequences of DEEP THINKING, and in contrast, share the features and benefits of POSITIVE THINKING.

"Deep Thought" is a process that is defined by many scholars as a process that is profound, or unqualified, and/or difficult to understand. In contrast, "Positive Thinking" is desricbed as a thought process that is constructive and directional.

Once I carefully dissected the definition, and even a few words that were used to define the subjected words, "Deep" & "Positive", I had noticed that I could properly use my situation to illustrate the consequences experienced by the opposing party, and demonstrate the features and benefits experienced by me.

In "too deep", I began to recognize an unproductive pattern developing with my oposition. I began to notice that when their thoughts got deeper, they themselves sunk deeper into their struggle. As a "Positive Thinker", when I faced struggle, I immediately became optimistic and soon realized that I rised above my struggle, which in return gave me direction towards increase, or progress.

I want to remain incredibly simplistic in my post, so therefore, I want to ask you, the reader, a few questions:

1.) Which thought process will you choose to give hope to those who are hopeless?
2.) Which thought process will you implement to give support, or stability to those who are torn down?
3.) Which will you utilize to give strength to someone who is weak?
4.) When YOU face "life", would you rather be drug into a dark pit of confusion and chaos? Or, would you rather endure the hardship confident and convinced that your best days are still to come?

People, I don't know about you, but I expect that tough times will come. It's a part of life that exempts no one. We must believe that through our struggle there will be a victory. But remember, a victory is what's accomplished during the struggle, not after the struggle. So when you find turbelence mixing itself with your dream, no matter how impossible it may seem; no matter how cloudy the route towards a better future may seem, remain positive. And, once your mental capacity is filled with an indisputable thought, your present becomes irrelevant to your future.

Which process wins? You choose.


(My book to be released April 2010)

Author Matthew Newman

http://www.matthewnewman.org (Coming Soon)

*Please post your comments. I, sincerely, would love to read your insight.

If you'd like, you may also email me at: Matthew.M.Newman@gmail.com

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"As I Sit to Think and Wonder"

Good Evening to you, the world:

Your support is so genuinely appreciated! The kind words and anticipation of my work gives me a strong source of energy, to deliver a book that blows the haze away from your future. Please continue to spread the word to friends and family to make them aware of the reason "why I write".

Over the past couple of weeks, I've experienced huge weight on my shoulders. I had entered into a literal state of confusion; misconception. Something that was provoked by a specific change, but a change that granted me no control.

I sit and think; I stay up strange hours of the night wondering, but after thinking and wondering, I think and wonder, "Exactly what was I thinking and wondering about"? Yes, figuring out how to escape a burden is tough. Even figuring out how to rid the pain inflicted by the specific burden is tough. But, what do you do when you can't figure it out? Do you put the blame on someone else? Or, do you sit in your pain and begin to hope? Do you encourage yourself, or do you seek encouragement from someone else?

As I sit to think and wonder, my mind takes me to the child that's left alone. My mind takes me to the child who has no guidance, the child who holds mental destruction, physical destruction. As I sit to think and wonder, my mind takes me to the parents who claim they are "keeping hope alive", but their actual hope is fogged by their impoverished state. If this is not me, what issue do I have that could possible settle me into that state of inaction? If this is not you, what issue do you have that could possibly refrain you from providing the resources of inspiration to these individuals who are lost in their struggle?

As I sit to think and wonder, my mind takes me to the day when we'll erase the selfishness that we all have; thinking that we're alone in our struggle. I've got news for you; you ain't the only one.

Pick yourself up. And, while you're picking yourself up, pick someone else up because, they need YOU, more than you need yourself.


-Author Matthew Newman

Please post your comments, or email me at Matthew.M.Newman@gmail.com

http://www.matthewnewman.org (Coming Soon)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Cut, Copied, and Pasted

Good EARLY Morning World! :) As always, I would like to first thank each and every one of you for your continued support on my book project, "This Is Why I Write".

Each day as I sit and write, I attempt to dig out treasures that will speak life. Treasures that will reach the hearts of everyone who reads my work, which will hopefully, win the minds of those specific individuals.

My mind has definitely been busy today; for the good though! I've accepted that my past has been cut, copied, and pasted into my future! Not that I've accepted to dwell on specific life events, and allowed them to hinder my progress. Rather, I have chosen to utilize that which I have experienced to maintain my humbleness. I'm reminded of a quote that I had first heard in high school, "If you're humble, you won't stumble".

Individuals typically lose their essence when they are conformed to who, or what they have become, rather than the process that got them to that point. They become stagnant in their growth, omitting the significance of their growth which is to, give what has been given to you, to others.

I believe that more can be accomplished if we take the knowledge acquired through our struggle to the masses. If we aren't successful in reaching the masses, we all are capable of reaching at leaast, one other individual. Grasping the value of this concept, will enable each and every one of us to improve the quality of not only our life, but the lives of many others.

Remember, it's in your struggle that you recognize your purpose. Some people may need YOUR purpose to open their eyes to realize theirs.

-Matthew M. Newman

http://www.matthewnewman.org (Coming Soon)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

"Pain In My Dream"

Good Evening World! Are you excited? I am.

First, I would like to thank everyone who continues to show support towards my book project, "This Is Why I Write", set to release in April 2010. I see that some people may be more enthused about it than I am!

I sincerely would like to keep you guys updated on the process of my thinking. As often as you're updated on my thinking, you will be updated on the process of my book.

I've hit a transition period in my life. Every time some one encounters me, they see a smiling face, they hear positive speech, and feel an optimistic presence. It's not fraud, but definitely something that is authentic, however, it doesn't dismiss struggles from my own personal life.

What's weird about the situation is that, I'm writing about how to utilize your struggle to help empower and accomplish your dream, ultimately resulting in a victory. But, I too am now experiencing turbulence in my dream. Each day that I walk through life, "life" contributes "pain" to my dream. It is the exact reason, "why I write".

I've extracted the positive attribute of my current struggle, and that is that I am now forced to make my dream a reality.

Yes, life does happen. Pain happens. And, triumphs happen. Don't get stuck in the pain. Get forced into triumphant victory. Don't settle into inaction when turbulence presents itself, but rather excel into your destined territory.

I'll leave you with this tonight, "To get out of a hole, you must find your way to the top. You can't find your way to top by staying in the hole." -Matthew Newman

Author Matthew Newman
This Is Why I Write - Coming April 2010

http://www.matthewnewman.org/ (Coming Soon)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Second Book Project, Author Matthew Newman

Happy Sunday to all the world! It is my prayer that you are fed with rich tokens of wisdom and knowledge each time you come to visit my blog post.

As you all know, I'm currently working on my first book project, "This Is Why I Write", set to be released in April 2010. Although there are many reasons "Why I Write", I've decided to focus on one specific reason. It is vitally important to narrow in on one subject, cover the entire basis and then venture into something else. For example, an Army Soldier would agree with me that, you must win single battles before you win wars.

Nevertheless, Each time I sit to write, my mind constantly churns with thoughts. I want deeper clarification for this and that, etc. So many different questions come to mind when I think about people; each with their own unique beliefs, cultures, personalities, and minds. I could study indepth research on the minds of people, but nothing is more concrete than a mind tailored to a specific generation. So, "I Have a Question". The question is, what's on your mind? What's in your mind? Are you locked in your current state because of tradition?

I'm telling the world, my second book project is entitled, "I Have a Question" -Coming Soon.

Please, stay tuned.

www.matthewnewman.org (Coming Soon)

-Matthew Newman

Friday, October 9, 2009

My book, This Is Why I Write

Welcome to my world! I've decided to create a blog to let the world into the process of my book project, "This Is Why I Write".

As an author, I would like to remain as personable as possible. I would like to remain authentic and vulnerable so that my readers will have access to my mind; getting a deeper and more thorough understanding of the way that I view certain topics and situations.

The basis of my book, "This Is Why I Write", is how to effectively utilize your Struggle to help empower and accomplish your Dream; which will ultimately result in a Victory. My mother, the late Thompsine Newman once told me, "With every Dream there's a Struggle. But, through the Struggle there's a Victory". So, I've decided to expound on that quote to help the person you know who may not know that the best is still on it's way.

In "This Is Why I Write", I will include real-life stories of ex-cons, prostitutes, Atheist, Christians, drug-dealers, and homosexuals; real people, real stories. Each individual here on earth has a purpose, and has potential to be someone (something) great... they each have a dream (some knowingly, some unknowingly).

My mission is to effectively win the minds of every single person that reads the book, which will ultimately give access to their hearts. I'm driven by driving others.

Please, feel free to comment on my blog post. Ask questions, give your insight. This is YOUR world. Be the ONE to start a revolution.

Matthew M. Newman
http://www.matthewnewman.org (Coming Soon)
http://www.matt-newman.org (Coming Soon)