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Monday, December 28, 2009

"Get Ready for the Camera"

For those of you who anticipate my blog postings, I want to personally thank you!

With this being the year my book, THIS IS WHY I WRITE is released, my success will not be possible without the love, encouragement, and inspiration from you. So, please don't stop! :) It's my guarantee that when I make it to the top, I will do my absolute best to take each and every one of you with me. Again, thank you so much.

To be completely honest, I didn't have a clue to what I wanted to write about. However, as I was writing my thank you's, I got a sense of urgency to help those who aren't prepared for the new year to get ready, and to get ready now.

It's so amazing how at the start of the new year, everyone is so fired up. They claim success over their personal lives; whether it's financial success, spiritual success, or even physical success. But, when one thing goes against what they had initially planned, they immediately look forward to the next year. I credit this reaction to the lack of planning. It doesn't mean that they didn't plan, it simply means that they didn't plan early enough.

As I briefly look back over the year 2009, I was instantly reminded that you can't expect success tomorrow, if tomorrow's success is planned tomorrow.

The year 2010 will be OUR year to "Get Ready for the Camera"! But, in order to be fluent in our actions, assuring that we get rid of all of the controllable hiccups, we must prep ourselves daily.

I don't know about you, but I'm incredibly confident that I have a story to share with, at least, one person that could make a dramatic impact on the world. I believe in the power of one. If I can prepare myself to help another person prepare themselves for their future, I can change the world. But, it starts with me. It starts with a realization that the world around us is positively and/or negatively impacted by the choices we make.

The year 2010 awaits those who enter, ready to make a difference not only in their personal lives, but in the lives of others. So many of us are infatuated with the success of today's celebrities; most who are demonstrating negative characteristics, but still there are many who strive to be like them. But, I have a question. What if YOU "Get Ready for the Camera?" Whose life can you positively impact by being a world changer? If you continue to educate yourself, developing mental strength, maintain a workout plan to sustain physical strength, whose life can you change?

That's why 2010 must be OUR year to "Get Ready for the Camera". If you can honestly say that you believe, 100% in what you know you are capable of becoming, you constitute as a celebrity in my book.

Friends and Family, we're all celebrities. The cameras just haven't recorded our story yet. So, 2010 is OUR year to...



PS: Please post your comments, or email them to Matthew.M.Newman@gmail.com. Also, please send your cell number and email address to be included in my promotional streams beginning January 1. You could be one to win a FREE book once released.

-Author Matthew Newman

http://matthewnewman.org (Coming Soon)

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