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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Chance After Chance

Can you believe it? December 2009 is here! Wow.

Good Evening World! Am I excited to be here today, writing/blogging. Your support, anticipation, and interest is fuel to my passion. Thanks you so very much. I don't feel words give justice to my heartfelt thanks! :)

There is so much to write about. So much to say, but so little time.

Just about 15 mintues ago, when I first sat to write, I had a detailed post to share with the world. However, the post was based on personal situations that I've encountered this week.

As I concluded one paragraph, I read over it, at least, 15 times and realized that I was writing selfishly; writing for my benefit, and not the benefit of others. I stopped myself, and was reminded of the famous quote stated by renowned, Zig Ziglar:

"You can have everything in life you want if you help just enough other people get what they want."

"Just enough" can be ONE. So, that's my goal tonight; to offer a new thought of peace and calmness to your life through my writing. I aim to show you that you've been given so many chances at life, and there are so many people who haven't been granted, at least, a second chance to life.

I present to you, "CHANCE AFTER CHANCE."

On either late Sunday, November 29 or early Monday morning, November 30, my car was broken into while parked inside of my parking garage at my apartment complex here in Dallas, TX.

The thieves shattered my passenger side window and stole my radio, my $400 radio; material things. I was left with one choice. Replace the window. I called around to find the least expensive replacement. And when I did, I ventured out to take advantage of it.

I followed the worker onto the salvage yard, and was led to a Chevrolet Impala. I was immediately awed by the condition of the vehicle; I said to myself, "It wasn't me."

I paced slowly around the beat up Impala and concluded that the driver didn't make it. I noticed magazines in the trunk, a hair dryer in the back seat, and a few other miscellaneous items. Their life was stolen, but their material possessions were left unharmed.

Here is someone who didn't live to complain another day. Here is an individual who won't wake up to dream another dream. Here is a person who won't be granted another chance.

As you can see from the picture, the car was totalled, and you too can conclude that the person driving wasn't given another chance at life. But, you my friend have been granted chance after chance.

Another chance to build a better future. Another chance to bounce back from your struggle. Another chance to dream another dream. Another chance to speak life into the life of someone else. Another chance to defeat defeat.


You too may be robbed of material possessions. You too may be robbed of your mental sanity. You too may be robbed of your physical strength. But, as long as your SOUL is preserved, use it as a chance to stride towards your destined victory.


-Author Matthew Newman

Please feel free to post your comments, or email them to Matthew.M.Newman@gmail.com


http://www.matthewnewman.org (Coming Soon)

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