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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Positive Thinking vs. Deep Thinking

Hello to all the world! As I begin every one of my blog post; I begin with appreciating your unending support. From the Facebook messages & comments, Tweets & Re-Tweets on Twitter, Myspace messages, text messages, and NOW...even on the streets; the word is getting out about "This Is Why I Write", and I thank you from the deepest parts of my heart.

As you have read in my first blog post, I, as an author, would like to remain vulnerable and transparent to you, the reader. I want to be able to open my heart to you; to reveal to you the very situations that I encounter; the circumstances that I endure; all to effectively demonstrate my humbleness, and my sincere effort to help mold people from all over the world, into the person they were initially intended to be. Yes, life may have intefered. However, life does not have to erase the purpose that's within you. Instead, allow life to bring the purpose that's within you to fruition.

I want to present to you a topic that I've been juggling whether or not to post. The reason for my indecisiveness was simply my fear to offend. But when I sat down to put pen to paper, or in this case "fingers to keyboard", I asked myself two questions:

1.) Who would I offend?
2.) Who would I help?

I chose the latter, and now I present to you, POSITIVE THINKING vs. DEEP THINKING. Once you're done reading the post, YOU decide which thinking process wins, and which one gets defeated.

Over the course of the past few months, I'd associated myself with a situation that from an external view, "shined like gold". But, from an internal perspective, could have been poison to my aspirations. A situation that preferred DEEP THINKING, rather than POSITIVE THINKING.

Instead of getting into a long, drawn out story, I would rather explain to you the consequences of DEEP THINKING, and in contrast, share the features and benefits of POSITIVE THINKING.

"Deep Thought" is a process that is defined by many scholars as a process that is profound, or unqualified, and/or difficult to understand. In contrast, "Positive Thinking" is desricbed as a thought process that is constructive and directional.

Once I carefully dissected the definition, and even a few words that were used to define the subjected words, "Deep" & "Positive", I had noticed that I could properly use my situation to illustrate the consequences experienced by the opposing party, and demonstrate the features and benefits experienced by me.

In "too deep", I began to recognize an unproductive pattern developing with my oposition. I began to notice that when their thoughts got deeper, they themselves sunk deeper into their struggle. As a "Positive Thinker", when I faced struggle, I immediately became optimistic and soon realized that I rised above my struggle, which in return gave me direction towards increase, or progress.

I want to remain incredibly simplistic in my post, so therefore, I want to ask you, the reader, a few questions:

1.) Which thought process will you choose to give hope to those who are hopeless?
2.) Which thought process will you implement to give support, or stability to those who are torn down?
3.) Which will you utilize to give strength to someone who is weak?
4.) When YOU face "life", would you rather be drug into a dark pit of confusion and chaos? Or, would you rather endure the hardship confident and convinced that your best days are still to come?

People, I don't know about you, but I expect that tough times will come. It's a part of life that exempts no one. We must believe that through our struggle there will be a victory. But remember, a victory is what's accomplished during the struggle, not after the struggle. So when you find turbelence mixing itself with your dream, no matter how impossible it may seem; no matter how cloudy the route towards a better future may seem, remain positive. And, once your mental capacity is filled with an indisputable thought, your present becomes irrelevant to your future.

Which process wins? You choose.


(My book to be released April 2010)

Author Matthew Newman

http://www.matthewnewman.org (Coming Soon)

*Please post your comments. I, sincerely, would love to read your insight.

If you'd like, you may also email me at: Matthew.M.Newman@gmail.com

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