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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"As I Sit to Think and Wonder"

Good Evening to you, the world:

Your support is so genuinely appreciated! The kind words and anticipation of my work gives me a strong source of energy, to deliver a book that blows the haze away from your future. Please continue to spread the word to friends and family to make them aware of the reason "why I write".

Over the past couple of weeks, I've experienced huge weight on my shoulders. I had entered into a literal state of confusion; misconception. Something that was provoked by a specific change, but a change that granted me no control.

I sit and think; I stay up strange hours of the night wondering, but after thinking and wondering, I think and wonder, "Exactly what was I thinking and wondering about"? Yes, figuring out how to escape a burden is tough. Even figuring out how to rid the pain inflicted by the specific burden is tough. But, what do you do when you can't figure it out? Do you put the blame on someone else? Or, do you sit in your pain and begin to hope? Do you encourage yourself, or do you seek encouragement from someone else?

As I sit to think and wonder, my mind takes me to the child that's left alone. My mind takes me to the child who has no guidance, the child who holds mental destruction, physical destruction. As I sit to think and wonder, my mind takes me to the parents who claim they are "keeping hope alive", but their actual hope is fogged by their impoverished state. If this is not me, what issue do I have that could possible settle me into that state of inaction? If this is not you, what issue do you have that could possibly refrain you from providing the resources of inspiration to these individuals who are lost in their struggle?

As I sit to think and wonder, my mind takes me to the day when we'll erase the selfishness that we all have; thinking that we're alone in our struggle. I've got news for you; you ain't the only one.

Pick yourself up. And, while you're picking yourself up, pick someone else up because, they need YOU, more than you need yourself.


-Author Matthew Newman

Please post your comments, or email me at Matthew.M.Newman@gmail.com

http://www.matthewnewman.org (Coming Soon)


  1. Mathew

    I am glad to see your EXTREME WRITING SKILLS HAVE reached a new high! ONWARD AND UPWARD!

    Rod Cook

  2. To My Mentor, Rod Cook!

    Thank you, sir for your support. What you have done for me will NEVER be overlooked.

    Matthew Newman
