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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Cut, Copied, and Pasted

Good EARLY Morning World! :) As always, I would like to first thank each and every one of you for your continued support on my book project, "This Is Why I Write".

Each day as I sit and write, I attempt to dig out treasures that will speak life. Treasures that will reach the hearts of everyone who reads my work, which will hopefully, win the minds of those specific individuals.

My mind has definitely been busy today; for the good though! I've accepted that my past has been cut, copied, and pasted into my future! Not that I've accepted to dwell on specific life events, and allowed them to hinder my progress. Rather, I have chosen to utilize that which I have experienced to maintain my humbleness. I'm reminded of a quote that I had first heard in high school, "If you're humble, you won't stumble".

Individuals typically lose their essence when they are conformed to who, or what they have become, rather than the process that got them to that point. They become stagnant in their growth, omitting the significance of their growth which is to, give what has been given to you, to others.

I believe that more can be accomplished if we take the knowledge acquired through our struggle to the masses. If we aren't successful in reaching the masses, we all are capable of reaching at leaast, one other individual. Grasping the value of this concept, will enable each and every one of us to improve the quality of not only our life, but the lives of many others.

Remember, it's in your struggle that you recognize your purpose. Some people may need YOUR purpose to open their eyes to realize theirs.

-Matthew M. Newman

http://www.matthewnewman.org (Coming Soon)

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