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Sunday, October 25, 2009

"Pain In My Dream"

Good Evening World! Are you excited? I am.

First, I would like to thank everyone who continues to show support towards my book project, "This Is Why I Write", set to release in April 2010. I see that some people may be more enthused about it than I am!

I sincerely would like to keep you guys updated on the process of my thinking. As often as you're updated on my thinking, you will be updated on the process of my book.

I've hit a transition period in my life. Every time some one encounters me, they see a smiling face, they hear positive speech, and feel an optimistic presence. It's not fraud, but definitely something that is authentic, however, it doesn't dismiss struggles from my own personal life.

What's weird about the situation is that, I'm writing about how to utilize your struggle to help empower and accomplish your dream, ultimately resulting in a victory. But, I too am now experiencing turbulence in my dream. Each day that I walk through life, "life" contributes "pain" to my dream. It is the exact reason, "why I write".

I've extracted the positive attribute of my current struggle, and that is that I am now forced to make my dream a reality.

Yes, life does happen. Pain happens. And, triumphs happen. Don't get stuck in the pain. Get forced into triumphant victory. Don't settle into inaction when turbulence presents itself, but rather excel into your destined territory.

I'll leave you with this tonight, "To get out of a hole, you must find your way to the top. You can't find your way to top by staying in the hole." -Matthew Newman

Author Matthew Newman
This Is Why I Write - Coming April 2010

http://www.matthewnewman.org/ (Coming Soon)


  1. Matthew,

    This is so very true. From this post, I am now eager to read your book so that I may understand why you write. God bless you and I pray for your continued success.


  2. Ange,

    Your continued support is definitely appreciated!

    Yes, please pray for me as I help to bring hope and life to others "hopeless" and "lifeless" situations!

    Author Matthew Newman
