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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Second Book Project, Author Matthew Newman

Happy Sunday to all the world! It is my prayer that you are fed with rich tokens of wisdom and knowledge each time you come to visit my blog post.

As you all know, I'm currently working on my first book project, "This Is Why I Write", set to be released in April 2010. Although there are many reasons "Why I Write", I've decided to focus on one specific reason. It is vitally important to narrow in on one subject, cover the entire basis and then venture into something else. For example, an Army Soldier would agree with me that, you must win single battles before you win wars.

Nevertheless, Each time I sit to write, my mind constantly churns with thoughts. I want deeper clarification for this and that, etc. So many different questions come to mind when I think about people; each with their own unique beliefs, cultures, personalities, and minds. I could study indepth research on the minds of people, but nothing is more concrete than a mind tailored to a specific generation. So, "I Have a Question". The question is, what's on your mind? What's in your mind? Are you locked in your current state because of tradition?

I'm telling the world, my second book project is entitled, "I Have a Question" -Coming Soon.

Please, stay tuned.

www.matthewnewman.org (Coming Soon)

-Matthew Newman

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