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Thursday, April 15, 2010


To the world! I would like to take you down a dark, well-lit road (Contradicting, I know!) that weaves you between the crevasses of my mind. I want you to explore the penetrating thoughts that I feel should be shared to help those who may STRUGGLE with the acceptance phase of life. Not those who feel the need to be accepted because of gender, race, or sexual-orientation, but accepted because of their self-value.

Though it is sad to say, there are many who degrade their value as humans because they feel as if the exposure, or Experience of life is what constitutes value. However, I come to boldly proclaim that "life Experience" does not dictate value, or credibility. What does dictate value is the correct balance of emotion and logic.

There are countless individuals who have "run their course" but are irrational and ignorant of many things. The precise application of common sense can be the remedy of "life Experience".

Much respect is lost for people who feel that it is important for someone to "Experience" certain things to "help" steer someone towards a more positive, productive future. It shows that they are not thinking logically. Our role as humans is not "to steer" but to "help steer" someone towards a well-established future. We are able "to help" because of a well-balanced scale of emotion and logic.

We are naturally inclined to respond based off of our emotions. The emotional response is what makes us ALL valuable. Each and every person, no matter how cruel, has an emotional chord that is struck (I'll argue this point with any mental scholar). If we all have an emotional response, it is safe to say that we are ALL equal, which makes the "Experience" irrelevant to the assistance of another person.

Furthermore, any one can feel their way through life; emotions. However, what marks the distinction, no matter the tenure, or how long a person has lived, or what they have "Experienced" is how a person thinks. A rational thinker will clearly understand the significance of the ability to adapt logic with emotion, equally. If you are only able to "feel", you will only do what is best for "self". Logic allows you to sort through what is at hand to pull out a decision that is not only best for "self", but for others as well. An individuals value, or self-worth is not marked by life Experience but by balanced emotional and logical decisions that effect self and others.

In this case, "I write" to erase the misconceptions that "Experience" dictates value. Nothing can be further from the truth. How a person feels and thinks, alike, is THE only form of self-value.

-Author Matthew Newman

This Is Why I Write, my book COMING SOON!

Please post your comments, or send them to me directly: Matthew.M.Newman@gmail.com.

Follow me on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/thisiswhyiwrite

Web Page, Coming Soon. Visit at: http://matthewnewman.org

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