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Monday, June 7, 2010

"The Right Car, The Right Direction"

My friends, life is often perplexed; its meaning lacks clarity. It sometimes leads us astray because it doesn't give proper direction. It weaves us on and off of roads that we think are straight-shots to a promising place, but what we find as we hit every single pot-hole, we get stopped by every red light, is that we are in the wrong car; the wrong car, headed in the wrong direction. The positive light of the situation is that if we were never sitting in the wrong car, headed in the wrong direction, we would be oblivious to the right car, the right direction. In contrast to the positive light, we know there are many who have grown content to the journey; temporary pleasures do often distract a soul from original, planned destinations.

A subject that continues to reveal itself; one of, if not the, most important discoveries that an individual could ever make is PURPOSE. Purpose is the right car that leads you in the right direction towards destiny; the original, planned destination.

Purpose is probably the most important discovery because it's all-encompassing. When you discover purpose, you find you. When you find you, you discover meaning. That's what all-encompassing means. When the path is clear, where you're headed is that much brighter.

Purpose, or the "why" to life saturates the path with incentive. Purpose fuels determination. Purpose is what steers ambition. Purpose erases the doubted beliefs of others and replaces them with self-proclaimed possibilities. Purpose is what keeps you going. Purpose doesn't prevent life's issues, but it does allow you to see pass them. It gives meaning to the issues. If we as humans can understand why, our purpose will show us how.

We have all been in the wrong car, headed in the wrong direction. Some of us are still there! When you find yourself depressed, suicidal, in misery, and/or your heart is filled with malice, something is opposing your purpose; you're in the wrong car. You can't travel the road of purpose if you're headed away from your destiny.

I encourage everyone to start car shopping! Begin to recognize that it's time for a new car; it's time to recognize the "why" of life. Your purpose is the answer that will help you to "pass" every test. It's the right car, that will take you in the right direction.

This Is Why I Write!

-Matthew M. Newman

Please feel free to post your comments, or send them to me directly at: Matthew.M.Newman@gmail.com.

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My Personal Site:
http://matthewnewman.org (Coming Soon!)

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