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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"Feeling the Uncertain"

What is that feeling that I feel inside? A feeling that is uncertain because of the things that are uncertain. I sit and stare at the wall trying to figure it out, but why do I stare at a blank wall to try to figure out a blank feeling? I can never answer this feeling. But, why? Aren't feelings suppose to have meaning?

It's not lack of confidence. It's not lack of companionship. It's not depression. It's not the lack of joy. It's not a lonely feeling. It's a feeling that I can't put a finger on. Maybe everything that I think it isn't...it is. Well, maybe not. That I don't know. The feeling is uncertain.

But, ok. Let's see. What now? How can I move on from uncertainty? If what I'm moving FROM is uncertain, how can I move TO that which is certain? This is crazy...very crazy.

Have you ever felt like this? What is it, then? I'm sure that there are many who have felt the uncertain. But, now my question is how do you FEEL the uncertain? If the feeling is uncertain, what is there to feel? How do you know that there is something there? (I think I see a ghost, but I'm not sure. <--An assumption...uncertainty!) And, I tell myself, good question! Now go figure it out.

I think it'll be worth the work to attempt to tap into the heart to unveil the hidden mystery of "feeling the uncertain". Once you're able to discover the uncertainty you can discover the certainty of your feeling; what's there and why.
Once that's figured out, you can now figure out WHAT you're suppose to learn from the feeling you experienced and HOW you can move from that which is uncertain to a future that IS certain. Go...go...go!

This Is Why I Write

-Author Matthew Newman


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Please feel free to post your comments or email them to Matthew.M.Newman@gmail.com.

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