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Friday, July 1, 2016

Before the World Wakes

Before the noise comes, breathe
Before the noise comes, listen
Before the noise comes, see
Before the noise comes, dream
Before the noise comes, cry
Before the noise comes, think
Before the noise comes, try
Before the noise comes, imagine
Before the noise comes, understand
Before the noise comes, believe
Before the noise comes, read
Before the noise comes, write
Before the noise comes, draw
Before the noise comes, work
Before the noise comes, play
Before the noise comes, speak
Before the noise comes, care 
Before the noise comes, give
Before the noise comes, share
Before the noise comes, cheer
Before the noise comes, motivate
Before the noise comes, inspire
Before the noise comes, teach
Before the noise comes, explorer
Before the noise comes, smile
Before the noise comes, laugh
Before the noise comes, love
Before the world wakes, live.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

'State' Prison.

Picture an individual who is locked behind the walls of a state penitentiary. They are bound to one outfit, often times kept in shackles, escorted by guards, fed a concoction which is assumed to have no nutritional value, forced to sleep, demanded to rise before the cock crows, beat on by hate-filled prison mates, given a strict curfew for recreation, many times playing tug-a-war with their own thoughts; slowly deteriorating before their very own eyes.

It's not hard to believe that approximately 1% of America's population sits in a place called, prison. It's a dark place that many hope to never find themselves. However, it doesn't take much to find oneself there. We all know that to be the truth! Is it safe to say that the other 99% of America's population is free? Are we exempt from shackles? Do we ingest the purest of foods in, what some deem as, the "free world"?

We create the bars with our words. We make our bed hard with our thoughts. It's prison. 'State' prison. It is safe to say that the other 99% of America's population also sits in that dark place.  No jaw should drop in disbelief. There are a number of energy-filled individuals who would completely agree that this prison is more detrimental than the physical prison. 'State' prison. Literally, a mental lock-down. 

Here our thoughts are pinned down, without an escape, because we grip conventional standards. We define the journey in our mind blasphemy because we allow outsiders to define our life path. At the same time, what we fail to realize is that we push ourselves further away from fleeing because of our very own stubborn mind. We build a sense of fear to break loose from traditional thinking. We fear to offend. We fear to be condemned. We simply, fear. The shackles can't be released. Our very own parents were once the guards who escorted us to hidden pain. Not intentionally, but because they too were once escorted to that same place. 'State' prison. That pill is extremely difficult to swallow because it's the truth. 

What if we found a way out? And, what if we weren't caught in the process, or the progress of escape? What if we didn't offend? Ha, and what if we weren't condemned? There is peace in the "free world". Our words would balance our thoughts. No longer would the two tussle back and forth.  The words that establish our thoughts will begin to usher us towards the path that properly aligns ourselves with our inner-self. 

'State' prison is a dark place that is created when we separate from our inner-self. When we break the chain that links us to a state of mind, or consciousness, that builds unity -- that builds peace, we not only develop a surrounding that is 'hell' for our own self, but for everyone who is connected to our being. 

There is a better place than prison. It's much brighter. It's an energy that can destroy yokes. It can literally set the captives free. The question is: Are you willing to break the chain that binds you to a 'State' of consciousness that provides you absolutely no sustainable value? If you are, welcome to higher thinking -- congratulations on being freed from 'State' prison! 

Written by: Matthew M. Newman 
December 1, 2011

Follow me on Twitter: @ThisIsWhyIWrite
www.matthewnewman.org -- Coming Soon! 

My book, This Is Why I Write -- Coming Soon! 

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Don't look to be encouraged by hollow words, but rather challenged with thoughts that inspire your intellect. Don't be fed with what others believe to be true, but rather seek to be taught what others know to be true.

A well with no water is useless to the physical body. It's depressed. It lacks substance. The same is true for the Mind that never escapes one dimension and transitions to another, higher state. It lacks nutrients.

Don't allow others to criticize Your evolving state only because they're stagnant in their fearful state. Show others how to extend their hand towards You. In the process of doing just that they may catch the unction that spurs them towards liberty.

Opposition You will face, but it's not the time to turn back. Never should a Being sacrifice the totality of freedom for ritualistic detriment. Escape the pressures of belief and continue towards knowledge.

That which can only be found in Yourself is discovered in the study of Your inner man. Know Your Self. Be true to Your Self. Be what You were created to Be(come). At the core of You is a peaceful resolution to that which is faced by the outer You.

Written by: Matthew M. Newman
July 28, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

"the Roller Coaster."

You, me, him, her… somebody, if not everybody has been forced on the roller coaster at one point in their life. Whether it was the Steel Eel at Sea World San Antonio that purposely makes you face your death, or Batman-The Ride at Six Flags Over Georgia that rockets you so fast you don’t even have time to call Robin! See, it’s happened to all of us. What did you do when you took the first step onto the ride? Were your feet trembling? Was your voice scratchy as you verbally pounded your friend for pressuring you to do something so outrageous? Maybe you were the one who had both pre-ride symptoms, but you got on the ride anyway not knowing what to experience.

As the ride crept into the air, your eyes shuttering viciously and your hands watering as if a bottle of water had just slipped from them, what were your thoughts? Before you could even answer your own thoughts the ride peaks. Your thoughts stop. Abruptly, the ride throws you down and around, erasing every thought that had just moments ago snuck upon you. There is no sign of escape and if you even tried gravity wouldn’t let you. You scream while your friend screams gripping the support brace and BOOM… the ride jerks and before you know it, you slowly stroll to a stopping point. The ride is over!

Now that you’ve read this far, everyone no matter where you are in your life, has been forced to ride the roller coaster. It may not have been 11 stories tall, but it sure did feel like it. The roller coaster may not have been constructed of 2 vertical loops, 2 single corkscrews, but it did have a one-of-a-kind heartline spin producing a feeling of weightlessness! This isn’t the Steel Eel, or Batman-The Ride, this coaster is the roller coaster that everyone has or will ride – LIFE.

It’s inevitable. No one has to force you to ride it. I’m sure that if we could opt out of riding, many of us would! But, this ride isn’t for entertainment. It’s for the experience that will be the driving force here on out. At times, you don’t know when it’s your turn in line. However, when it is you can’t turn back. The ride that awaits you is the one that equips you with the strength, the power, the courage, the attitude, the confidence, and the intelligent faith to persevere and survive the roller coaster ride. When you begin to think and try to filter through each precise segment of the ride, something whispers, “You can’t quite put it together, but right now it’s working for your good”! It’s hard to believe. It is. But, what more can you do when all you can feel is the air in your face; it’s taking you so fast that you don’t even have the ability to stop. What do you do? What can you do? Just hold on and know that the end is near. You need this. When all is said and done, you will learn such a valuable lesson. You can then deposit the truth into the life and heart of someone else, making them a better person, too. How does that sound? Like sweet music!

The Roller Coaster. It’s fast, yes. But needed! Hold on.

Stay lifted...


-Author Matthew Newman

Please post your comments, or email me at Matthew.M.Newman@gmail.com

Follow me: http://www.twitter.com/thisiswhyiwrite
Visit me: http://www.matthewnewman.org (Coming Soon)

Monday, December 27, 2010

"It's a NEW YOU, not a NEW YEAR!"

To some, this may be a hazardous way to start a blog. But to be completely honest, I didn't want to begin this entry by sugar coating, or appeasing your readable appetite. My goal is to help you to begin your NEW YOU [Year]...now!

My mind is only able to think about two things that are inevitable in our lives. The first and most significant is TIME. The second one is the LIFE STRUGGLE.

It seems like it was just yesterday when I was sitting in this same position writing for the year 2010! It's so amazing how time just slips by. Over the last few weeks, I've heard countless stories that have literally dropped my jaw. From the things that people have experienced; ranging from relationships, finances, physical illnesses, academic hardships, unexpected moves, career issues, etc., I've become emotionally drained by hearing and seeing what we as people MUST endure. At times, it's heart aching to be a listening ear.

It's weird because this entry most likely won't be the one that will inspire you because of proper word choice! However, what will motivate you to action are the words that cause you to reflect back on the year 2010.

Just a few quick questions: What hit you the hardest this year? Did you lose your job? Were you one to be cast aside by the one you love? What physical illness were you diagnosed with this year? What loved one did you lose? Was it your mom, dad, or grandparent? Did you lose a friend? If this wasn't you, I'm more than certain it was someone you knew.

After sitting and pondering, this has been an incredibly rough year for so many people. There have been an array of lessons learned. We've gained experience in areas that we would have never thought that we would be literate in. But, thank God for time. Proper timing! What about the people we met? The individuals that crossed our path at the VERY moment we were going to give up? How about it? It's wonderful. When we take just a minute to recollect on the year 2010, [as tears begin to form in my eyes!] we have no choice BUT to be appreciative that we are still alive to see another year. I spoke with my great-great-friend tonight, and one thing that she said was that 2011 is the year to get it done. No more procrastination. No excuses. No hindrances. No more bad relationships that keep us stagnant. Just get it done!

As we quickly float into the "new year", so much emphasis is put on the "new year". However, what we find is that when the "new year" starts, many people are the same people that they were last year because nothing changed internally. Minds are always programmed to "start" something new because of what is seen and heard (jumping on the bandwagon!). The key factor that must not be omitted is that something new can't be started, until you start something new. Catch that now. A diet is what you want to start, but a diet can't start until you start to CHANGE what triggered the need/want for the diet (i.e. food choice or recognizing that it isn't food that you're craving.).

Get your mind off of a NEW YEAR and put it on a NEW YOU. No matter what time of year it is, a NEW YOU can start. How about starting now? Why would you wait? Don't you deserve more than that? These last days leading into the "new year" can be your time to prepare for the NEW YOU. Why waste time? Don't wait until January 1. Because if you do, you're going to be playing catch up. It's better to be ahead than to try to catch up. If you wait until it's time to start to prepare, you won't be prepared to start. Don't let that be you!

My friends, have a phenomenal year 2011! I send many blessings to you. Stay lifted...


-Author Matthew Newman

Please post your comments, or email me at Matthew.M.Newman@gmail.com

Follow me: http://www.twitter.com/thisiswhyiwrite
Visit me: http://www.matthewnewman.org (Coming Soon)

Monday, October 25, 2010


I’m going to get straight to the point…

Acceptance is when a person agrees to experience a situation, to follow a process or condition (often a negative or uncomfortable situation) without attempting to change it, protest, or exit 1.

I don’t think that anyone could define this often-overlooked word any better. It speaks tremendous volume, but seems not to sink into the minds of most because of their struggle with “Acceptance”.

Each day we’re presented with a choice to receive or reject what’s presented. The simpler of the two is obvious for the majority. But, for those of you who may not grasp its simplicity, rejecting is more than often the simpler of the two. We can blow people and situations aside as if they/it never exist. But the reality of it all is that it still exists whether we chose to overlook it or not. When you can find the exact moment in your life to accept what could be beneficial, or not so beneficial, you will begin to recognize that every single situation that is presented to you is only going to help you to grow. Life throws bricks at us but why not use those bricks to build our future? If you’re anything like me, your future is BIG and we can contribute its massiveness to life!

For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been observing SOOO much. Many people around me have been dealing with a transition and a positive transformation in their life. For some, the situations are new, but for others it seems as if life has just been on “repeat”! I often get calls from friends and family asking for advice on numerous things that we as humans have to endure. And I must admit that it’s not easy giving advice when at times you need guidance for your own situations. However, I’ve noticed (and, what seems so transparent) that in giving you receive automatically. When you speak into the lives of others, you have no choice but to hear it yourself. You accept the advice you’re giving to better yourself and your doings. It’s powerful, its life changing!

As the definition of the word “Acceptance” so eloquently speaks, we are all dealing with what many deem as negative, but what are truly just uncomfortable situations. The level of discomfort is exactly why rejecting the situation is simpler than accepting the situation.

The important part of the definition is how it ends (just like life; it’s not how you start, but how you finish!); “to follow without the attempt to change, protest, and/or exit”.

Think about this for a minute…

It’s always our natural “reaction” to try to change the things that we are going through. If we feel that a situation isn’t going according to our plan, we so abruptly try to find an exit. It’s the truth and no one can dismiss it. As stated earlier, it’s simpler to just reject the situation. But the truth of the matter is that there is growth in “Acceptance”. Remember, nutrients needed for growth harvest from a seed planted in dirt.

Life is a process that must be embraced. I mention this in my book; “Embracing a struggle only shows that you know there is a struggle. But, embracing the process of the struggle shows that you know there is a solution or an end to your struggle”. We shouldn’t fret when we recognize or discover change. “Acceptance” breathes new life. It allows you to sit in the struggle to thoroughly analyze what is happening around you and most importantly in you!


-Author Matthew Newman

Please post your comments, or email me at Matthew.M.Newman@gmail.com

Follow me: http://www.twitter.com/thisiswhyiwrite
Visit me: http://www.matthewnewman.org (Coming Soon)

1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acceptance

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"Something New."

Hello to everyone across the world! As always, I'm excited and thankful that you've decided to swing by to read my blog. Your support is never ending and so is my love for you. Please, keep me in your prayers as I do the work that I was purposed to do.

It has been over two months since I've posted something for your leisure, your inspiration, or for whatever reason you come by! But, today I would like to write about something that has been in my spirit for the entire month of August.

To be completely honest, as mentioned earlier, I haven't written anything in over two months; neither for my blog or for my book, This Is Why I Write. I sat and stared, but couldn't pin point why anything hadn't come to me. However, it finally hit me towards the latter part of July - beginning of August... this is what I heard, "Something New".

I needed "Something New" to contribute to the lives of those who follow me. The revelation that I saw, felt, and heard was so life changing that I knew it would be transformational for you as well.

"When you find yourself stagnant, find something new."

Simple, yet profound. The "find" can easily be replaced with "try", but something tells me that "trying" isn't "being". Life is purposed for a search. It will present you with situations that leave you with one choice and that is to find an escape, or in other words an effective way to deal. Since we as humans have had the conscious to move on our own, we have believed that "If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again". This is a more certain way to say it,

"If at first you don't succeed, find a new way, and THEN try again."

At the moment you begin to find, or seek something new, you tap into the totality of your essence; being. You start to recognize your full potential in everything that you pursue. Your pursuit will no longer be purposeless, but purposeful. The significance in the search is that it prepares you to reap new understanding that can only come from seeking something new. How can one FIND something without first looking for it? This sounds elementary, but it requires a little thinking.

Everyone, at some point in their life, comes to a place where looking for "Something New" seems pointless. We would rather settle in a comfortable position rather than step out of a comfort zone, experience a few valley's, and crawl to the mountain. It's much more convenient to stay where we are. But, what about where we will go? Is that not important? To some it is, but to others it's not. We must come to the point to accept the revelation that there is "Something New" waiting for all of us. No matther what may be "New" for you, or for me... it's out there. It's simply waiting for us to embrace it. One may ask, how will we know? Some may think that it's deeper than this, but it's just this simple... You will notice a dramatic change in your thinking.

Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think."

The "easy answers and half-baked solutions" are only found in the comfort zone. But, "solid thinking", or in my words enlightenment, is only found in "Something New". Are you willing to embrace it?

-Matthew M. Newman

Please feel free to post your comments, or email them to me at Matthew.M.Newman@gmail.com

Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com/thisiswhyiwrite.

My Website, Coming Soon! at: http://matthewnewman.org.