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Thursday, March 10, 2011

"the Roller Coaster."

You, me, him, her… somebody, if not everybody has been forced on the roller coaster at one point in their life. Whether it was the Steel Eel at Sea World San Antonio that purposely makes you face your death, or Batman-The Ride at Six Flags Over Georgia that rockets you so fast you don’t even have time to call Robin! See, it’s happened to all of us. What did you do when you took the first step onto the ride? Were your feet trembling? Was your voice scratchy as you verbally pounded your friend for pressuring you to do something so outrageous? Maybe you were the one who had both pre-ride symptoms, but you got on the ride anyway not knowing what to experience.

As the ride crept into the air, your eyes shuttering viciously and your hands watering as if a bottle of water had just slipped from them, what were your thoughts? Before you could even answer your own thoughts the ride peaks. Your thoughts stop. Abruptly, the ride throws you down and around, erasing every thought that had just moments ago snuck upon you. There is no sign of escape and if you even tried gravity wouldn’t let you. You scream while your friend screams gripping the support brace and BOOM… the ride jerks and before you know it, you slowly stroll to a stopping point. The ride is over!

Now that you’ve read this far, everyone no matter where you are in your life, has been forced to ride the roller coaster. It may not have been 11 stories tall, but it sure did feel like it. The roller coaster may not have been constructed of 2 vertical loops, 2 single corkscrews, but it did have a one-of-a-kind heartline spin producing a feeling of weightlessness! This isn’t the Steel Eel, or Batman-The Ride, this coaster is the roller coaster that everyone has or will ride – LIFE.

It’s inevitable. No one has to force you to ride it. I’m sure that if we could opt out of riding, many of us would! But, this ride isn’t for entertainment. It’s for the experience that will be the driving force here on out. At times, you don’t know when it’s your turn in line. However, when it is you can’t turn back. The ride that awaits you is the one that equips you with the strength, the power, the courage, the attitude, the confidence, and the intelligent faith to persevere and survive the roller coaster ride. When you begin to think and try to filter through each precise segment of the ride, something whispers, “You can’t quite put it together, but right now it’s working for your good”! It’s hard to believe. It is. But, what more can you do when all you can feel is the air in your face; it’s taking you so fast that you don’t even have the ability to stop. What do you do? What can you do? Just hold on and know that the end is near. You need this. When all is said and done, you will learn such a valuable lesson. You can then deposit the truth into the life and heart of someone else, making them a better person, too. How does that sound? Like sweet music!

The Roller Coaster. It’s fast, yes. But needed! Hold on.

Stay lifted...


-Author Matthew Newman

Please post your comments, or email me at Matthew.M.Newman@gmail.com

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