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Monday, December 27, 2010

"It's a NEW YOU, not a NEW YEAR!"

To some, this may be a hazardous way to start a blog. But to be completely honest, I didn't want to begin this entry by sugar coating, or appeasing your readable appetite. My goal is to help you to begin your NEW YOU [Year]...now!

My mind is only able to think about two things that are inevitable in our lives. The first and most significant is TIME. The second one is the LIFE STRUGGLE.

It seems like it was just yesterday when I was sitting in this same position writing for the year 2010! It's so amazing how time just slips by. Over the last few weeks, I've heard countless stories that have literally dropped my jaw. From the things that people have experienced; ranging from relationships, finances, physical illnesses, academic hardships, unexpected moves, career issues, etc., I've become emotionally drained by hearing and seeing what we as people MUST endure. At times, it's heart aching to be a listening ear.

It's weird because this entry most likely won't be the one that will inspire you because of proper word choice! However, what will motivate you to action are the words that cause you to reflect back on the year 2010.

Just a few quick questions: What hit you the hardest this year? Did you lose your job? Were you one to be cast aside by the one you love? What physical illness were you diagnosed with this year? What loved one did you lose? Was it your mom, dad, or grandparent? Did you lose a friend? If this wasn't you, I'm more than certain it was someone you knew.

After sitting and pondering, this has been an incredibly rough year for so many people. There have been an array of lessons learned. We've gained experience in areas that we would have never thought that we would be literate in. But, thank God for time. Proper timing! What about the people we met? The individuals that crossed our path at the VERY moment we were going to give up? How about it? It's wonderful. When we take just a minute to recollect on the year 2010, [as tears begin to form in my eyes!] we have no choice BUT to be appreciative that we are still alive to see another year. I spoke with my great-great-friend tonight, and one thing that she said was that 2011 is the year to get it done. No more procrastination. No excuses. No hindrances. No more bad relationships that keep us stagnant. Just get it done!

As we quickly float into the "new year", so much emphasis is put on the "new year". However, what we find is that when the "new year" starts, many people are the same people that they were last year because nothing changed internally. Minds are always programmed to "start" something new because of what is seen and heard (jumping on the bandwagon!). The key factor that must not be omitted is that something new can't be started, until you start something new. Catch that now. A diet is what you want to start, but a diet can't start until you start to CHANGE what triggered the need/want for the diet (i.e. food choice or recognizing that it isn't food that you're craving.).

Get your mind off of a NEW YEAR and put it on a NEW YOU. No matter what time of year it is, a NEW YOU can start. How about starting now? Why would you wait? Don't you deserve more than that? These last days leading into the "new year" can be your time to prepare for the NEW YOU. Why waste time? Don't wait until January 1. Because if you do, you're going to be playing catch up. It's better to be ahead than to try to catch up. If you wait until it's time to start to prepare, you won't be prepared to start. Don't let that be you!

My friends, have a phenomenal year 2011! I send many blessings to you. Stay lifted...


-Author Matthew Newman

Please post your comments, or email me at Matthew.M.Newman@gmail.com

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Visit me: http://www.matthewnewman.org (Coming Soon)

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