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Thursday, December 1, 2011

'State' Prison.

Picture an individual who is locked behind the walls of a state penitentiary. They are bound to one outfit, often times kept in shackles, escorted by guards, fed a concoction which is assumed to have no nutritional value, forced to sleep, demanded to rise before the cock crows, beat on by hate-filled prison mates, given a strict curfew for recreation, many times playing tug-a-war with their own thoughts; slowly deteriorating before their very own eyes.

It's not hard to believe that approximately 1% of America's population sits in a place called, prison. It's a dark place that many hope to never find themselves. However, it doesn't take much to find oneself there. We all know that to be the truth! Is it safe to say that the other 99% of America's population is free? Are we exempt from shackles? Do we ingest the purest of foods in, what some deem as, the "free world"?

We create the bars with our words. We make our bed hard with our thoughts. It's prison. 'State' prison. It is safe to say that the other 99% of America's population also sits in that dark place.  No jaw should drop in disbelief. There are a number of energy-filled individuals who would completely agree that this prison is more detrimental than the physical prison. 'State' prison. Literally, a mental lock-down. 

Here our thoughts are pinned down, without an escape, because we grip conventional standards. We define the journey in our mind blasphemy because we allow outsiders to define our life path. At the same time, what we fail to realize is that we push ourselves further away from fleeing because of our very own stubborn mind. We build a sense of fear to break loose from traditional thinking. We fear to offend. We fear to be condemned. We simply, fear. The shackles can't be released. Our very own parents were once the guards who escorted us to hidden pain. Not intentionally, but because they too were once escorted to that same place. 'State' prison. That pill is extremely difficult to swallow because it's the truth. 

What if we found a way out? And, what if we weren't caught in the process, or the progress of escape? What if we didn't offend? Ha, and what if we weren't condemned? There is peace in the "free world". Our words would balance our thoughts. No longer would the two tussle back and forth.  The words that establish our thoughts will begin to usher us towards the path that properly aligns ourselves with our inner-self. 

'State' prison is a dark place that is created when we separate from our inner-self. When we break the chain that links us to a state of mind, or consciousness, that builds unity -- that builds peace, we not only develop a surrounding that is 'hell' for our own self, but for everyone who is connected to our being. 

There is a better place than prison. It's much brighter. It's an energy that can destroy yokes. It can literally set the captives free. The question is: Are you willing to break the chain that binds you to a 'State' of consciousness that provides you absolutely no sustainable value? If you are, welcome to higher thinking -- congratulations on being freed from 'State' prison! 

Written by: Matthew M. Newman 
December 1, 2011

Follow me on Twitter: @ThisIsWhyIWrite
www.matthewnewman.org -- Coming Soon! 

My book, This Is Why I Write -- Coming Soon! 

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