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Thursday, July 28, 2011


Don't look to be encouraged by hollow words, but rather challenged with thoughts that inspire your intellect. Don't be fed with what others believe to be true, but rather seek to be taught what others know to be true.

A well with no water is useless to the physical body. It's depressed. It lacks substance. The same is true for the Mind that never escapes one dimension and transitions to another, higher state. It lacks nutrients.

Don't allow others to criticize Your evolving state only because they're stagnant in their fearful state. Show others how to extend their hand towards You. In the process of doing just that they may catch the unction that spurs them towards liberty.

Opposition You will face, but it's not the time to turn back. Never should a Being sacrifice the totality of freedom for ritualistic detriment. Escape the pressures of belief and continue towards knowledge.

That which can only be found in Yourself is discovered in the study of Your inner man. Know Your Self. Be true to Your Self. Be what You were created to Be(come). At the core of You is a peaceful resolution to that which is faced by the outer You.

Written by: Matthew M. Newman
July 28, 2011