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Monday, October 25, 2010


I’m going to get straight to the point…

Acceptance is when a person agrees to experience a situation, to follow a process or condition (often a negative or uncomfortable situation) without attempting to change it, protest, or exit 1.

I don’t think that anyone could define this often-overlooked word any better. It speaks tremendous volume, but seems not to sink into the minds of most because of their struggle with “Acceptance”.

Each day we’re presented with a choice to receive or reject what’s presented. The simpler of the two is obvious for the majority. But, for those of you who may not grasp its simplicity, rejecting is more than often the simpler of the two. We can blow people and situations aside as if they/it never exist. But the reality of it all is that it still exists whether we chose to overlook it or not. When you can find the exact moment in your life to accept what could be beneficial, or not so beneficial, you will begin to recognize that every single situation that is presented to you is only going to help you to grow. Life throws bricks at us but why not use those bricks to build our future? If you’re anything like me, your future is BIG and we can contribute its massiveness to life!

For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been observing SOOO much. Many people around me have been dealing with a transition and a positive transformation in their life. For some, the situations are new, but for others it seems as if life has just been on “repeat”! I often get calls from friends and family asking for advice on numerous things that we as humans have to endure. And I must admit that it’s not easy giving advice when at times you need guidance for your own situations. However, I’ve noticed (and, what seems so transparent) that in giving you receive automatically. When you speak into the lives of others, you have no choice but to hear it yourself. You accept the advice you’re giving to better yourself and your doings. It’s powerful, its life changing!

As the definition of the word “Acceptance” so eloquently speaks, we are all dealing with what many deem as negative, but what are truly just uncomfortable situations. The level of discomfort is exactly why rejecting the situation is simpler than accepting the situation.

The important part of the definition is how it ends (just like life; it’s not how you start, but how you finish!); “to follow without the attempt to change, protest, and/or exit”.

Think about this for a minute…

It’s always our natural “reaction” to try to change the things that we are going through. If we feel that a situation isn’t going according to our plan, we so abruptly try to find an exit. It’s the truth and no one can dismiss it. As stated earlier, it’s simpler to just reject the situation. But the truth of the matter is that there is growth in “Acceptance”. Remember, nutrients needed for growth harvest from a seed planted in dirt.

Life is a process that must be embraced. I mention this in my book; “Embracing a struggle only shows that you know there is a struggle. But, embracing the process of the struggle shows that you know there is a solution or an end to your struggle”. We shouldn’t fret when we recognize or discover change. “Acceptance” breathes new life. It allows you to sit in the struggle to thoroughly analyze what is happening around you and most importantly in you!


-Author Matthew Newman

Please post your comments, or email me at Matthew.M.Newman@gmail.com

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1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acceptance