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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"Something New."

Hello to everyone across the world! As always, I'm excited and thankful that you've decided to swing by to read my blog. Your support is never ending and so is my love for you. Please, keep me in your prayers as I do the work that I was purposed to do.

It has been over two months since I've posted something for your leisure, your inspiration, or for whatever reason you come by! But, today I would like to write about something that has been in my spirit for the entire month of August.

To be completely honest, as mentioned earlier, I haven't written anything in over two months; neither for my blog or for my book, This Is Why I Write. I sat and stared, but couldn't pin point why anything hadn't come to me. However, it finally hit me towards the latter part of July - beginning of August... this is what I heard, "Something New".

I needed "Something New" to contribute to the lives of those who follow me. The revelation that I saw, felt, and heard was so life changing that I knew it would be transformational for you as well.

"When you find yourself stagnant, find something new."

Simple, yet profound. The "find" can easily be replaced with "try", but something tells me that "trying" isn't "being". Life is purposed for a search. It will present you with situations that leave you with one choice and that is to find an escape, or in other words an effective way to deal. Since we as humans have had the conscious to move on our own, we have believed that "If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again". This is a more certain way to say it,

"If at first you don't succeed, find a new way, and THEN try again."

At the moment you begin to find, or seek something new, you tap into the totality of your essence; being. You start to recognize your full potential in everything that you pursue. Your pursuit will no longer be purposeless, but purposeful. The significance in the search is that it prepares you to reap new understanding that can only come from seeking something new. How can one FIND something without first looking for it? This sounds elementary, but it requires a little thinking.

Everyone, at some point in their life, comes to a place where looking for "Something New" seems pointless. We would rather settle in a comfortable position rather than step out of a comfort zone, experience a few valley's, and crawl to the mountain. It's much more convenient to stay where we are. But, what about where we will go? Is that not important? To some it is, but to others it's not. We must come to the point to accept the revelation that there is "Something New" waiting for all of us. No matther what may be "New" for you, or for me... it's out there. It's simply waiting for us to embrace it. One may ask, how will we know? Some may think that it's deeper than this, but it's just this simple... You will notice a dramatic change in your thinking.

Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think."

The "easy answers and half-baked solutions" are only found in the comfort zone. But, "solid thinking", or in my words enlightenment, is only found in "Something New". Are you willing to embrace it?

-Matthew M. Newman

Please feel free to post your comments, or email them to me at Matthew.M.Newman@gmail.com

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My Website, Coming Soon! at: http://matthewnewman.org.