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Friday, February 12, 2010

"The Final Stretch"

It feels like it's been forever since I've last written what's going in my mind. Believe it or not, I spend everyday writing...about something! Even if it's just a text message!!! ...just kidding.

Many have asked where I'm at in completion to my book; I'm just about 2 weeks away! After I'm completely done, I'll draft my manuscript and then on to the publishing process. Oh, am I excited! Thank you for your anticipation :)


I was a member of my high school track & field team for four years. Most people would not have ever categorized me as a runner because of my size then but, I sought to prove them wrong.

The 110M and 300M hurdles was my race. I wasn't the best hurdler but I did compete. 300M hurdles was my favorite because it allowed adequate time and space between each hurdle for me to regain my step pattern. I would practice everyday from the STARTing line going over the first four hurdles only. Or, in other words the first stretch and curve.

I would get to the Track Meets well stretched. As I approached the STARTing line, the hydrenaline would be pumping, the START gun would fire...and off I went! I would usually beat the other runners to the first hurdle...the second hurdle...the third hurdle...the fourth hurdle BUT, there was something about "The Final Stretch". At the time I didn't know what was wrong. My legs would get heavy; so heavy that I couldn't get them properly and effectively over the last few hurdles. I would gasp for air to the point where I "felt" as if I wouldn't make it to the finished line.

It wasn't until after my track & field tenure that I looked up "Hurdle Exercises" and realized that I had been training wrong. The exercise suggested that you train by sprinting the first straight and curve with no hurdles, only setting up the hurdles on "The Final Stretch", and jumping the last four with what energy you had left. This would enable your body to get use to the most difficult part of the race... "The Final Stretch".

This same type of concept applies to our life. We're often times only trained for the start of the race and not "The Final Stretch". And because of that, we wonder why we can't find hope, or in other words, we can't find the strength within us to finish our race. Just as I did as a runner, we must train everyday...the right way! Everyday we wake up is an opportunity to sharpen our weakness. Our weakness isn't dreaming, or the start, it's the struggle, or "The Final Stretch". Those things that cause us to grow weary, or in other words cause our legs to get heavy must be trained so that we can build the strength and energy to finish the race. But the only way we can train for the race is to train for "The Final Stretch".

Someone may be going through a challenging time, and if you arent they will come. Your best days are waiting for you at the finished line. Just get over the last few hurdles; you're almost there... you're on "The Final Stretch"!

-Author Matthew Newman

Please feel free to post your comments and/or email them to me at Matthew.M.Newman@gmail.com.

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http://www.matthewnewman.org (Coming Soon!)