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Thursday, January 21, 2010

"Put On Hold"

Even if you haven't worked in an office where you had to use the big phone with all the buttons(!), you've asked someone in your time, "Could you hold, please?" Maybe you had to get more information to better assist them, or maybe you had to simply use the restroom! Either way it goes, you had something to get, or something to do. The call was still active, but just put on hold.

For the last few days, I have posted a question to my Facebook and Twitter followers, "For someone who is 18-24 years old, what are your fears, worries, and STRUGGLES?" It was a question suggested by a wonderful person at Brown Books Publishing, here in Dallas, TX. The responses that I received were tear-jerking and a pivotal point in my book writing journey.

I would be selfish to ask for your response and I not give you mine, so I present to you:


I fear a threat to my future because of the worry caused by my struggle. At times during my process, I find it hard to maneuver diligently around the hold-ups because my belief is shattered by a specific situation.

-I fear that the future of my readers rest in my pen.
-I worry that if I'M held up, the dreams of my readers will be held up because of my struggle.
-I struggle with the assurance of a poitive attitude leading to positive results... although I know it's true.
-I fear that my financial success will be dictated by someone else.
-I worry that too many people are counting on my success to give THEM the motivation they need to succeed.
-I struggle with the acceptance of fear, and of worry.
-I fear that life will put my dream "on hold".
-I worry...
-I struggle...

Your life, my life, our dream and our future are just phone calls put "on hold" because of our fears, worries, and struggles. However, it's still active! What happens when we're taken off of hold is what matters most.

We can't become impatient because we've been put "on hold", but we must grow to understand how we can overcome the fear, conquer the worry, and be inspired by the struggle. No matter what life presents to you, your destiny does not change. It stays intact.

"Your dream may be put 'on hold', but your destiny is still active."

Be encouraged and know that you're a CHAMPION!

This Is Why I Write

-Author Matthew Newman

http://www.matthewnewman.org (Coming Soon!)

Please feel free to post your comments, or send them to Matthew.M.Newman@gmail.com